
Testing and Practising with valuable free resources

We can get a lot of free resources from Internet. Including Free blog service, Free software, Opensource code. especially free web-hosting service.

I recommend a free web-hosting service provider here. It's 1majorhost

1Majorhost.com has some of the most features for free hosting web service on the internet. Features as the following:
  • 10Gb Storage Space
  • 99.98% Server Uptime
  • 65Gb Monthly Data Transfer
  • Linux Enterprise Operating Systems
  • FTP Supported
  • PHP 4 Supported
  • MySQL 4 Supported, 5 Databases
  • Rapid Servers with low load time
WOW, Amazing?

It also has a full functionality User Control Pane
l.You can operate web-based interface which has site stats, limits, traffic, sql and more.

1. Can manipulate databases online.
2. Can edit w
ebsite files in a WYSWYG editor.
3. Even can upload files in your browser.

4. Install some known web applications in time. Blog editor like wordpress, BBS like phpbb, CMS like Mambo and Joomla. You can get them in a few minutes.
