well, stickiness is important for some web site, certain other types of web site don't require it.
Now what you really need is the following guild line pdf and you should be sailing perfectly
Google search for Matt cutler e-metrics white paper ( about 60+ pages long )
or go here
this should help you form a better question towards yourself, and then you can ask the question about stickiness
that book is my bible. I live by it's basic foundation rules.
now if you got the gut's ( and a decent volume web site )then you got to try out the following steps
1) speed the site up to 3 second max load time on a 14.4 dial up modem. don't forget every second lost due to slow design equals some cpu that could be used for the next page load.
2) color test: knowing what you want your user to become ( read chapter 4 ), try to test colors that improve your velocity ( chapter 10 )
3) test and risk, try to find your hot spot on your pages and maximise them. I had this web site that I sold off a long while ago, it's hot spot was lower left, till this day I can not figure it out, but the conversion were the best.
4) don't forget to drop some money on webmaster world subscription. it's worth it.
5) go to incredibill's blog, read the entire thing, when you get to his cat issues, start laughing, and learn about those evil scraper's and nasty robot's.
6) read markus007 comments from may 2004 onwards you'll see something interesting IE: every time Google makes a change in the targeting system for AdSense, first you don't make as much as you did, but oer time you catch up and surpass.